Month: November 2019

Luis A. Saboga-Nunes introduces the pre-conference “Intersectorality: next generation, a real way to tackle health inequalities?”

Luis A. Saboga-Nunes introduces the pre-conference “Intersectorality: next generation, a real way to tackle health inequalities?”

Luis A. Saboga-Nunes, is an Associated Professor at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, president of the EUPHA Health Promotion Section and member of the UNESCO chair Global Health & Education.

In this video, Dr. Saboga-Nunes introduces the pre-conference “Intersectorality: next generation, a real way to tackle health inequalities?”.  He underlines the fact Health Inequalities Reduction is a public health concerns in all countries and communities. We aim and want to see Health Inequalities vanish out of our societies. How to act effectively on determinants of health and fight against these inequalities?

This question is at the heart of the UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education and WHO Collaborating Center” and will be the foundation of the discussion to be held at the EUPHA pre-conference in Marseille on Wednesday 20 November 2019. This pre-conference will look at “Intersectorality: next generation, a real way to tackle health inequalities?” by bringing together stakeholders committed to this agenda, from different social contexts of the world. They will share their visions of intersectorality through action- oriented best practices in Canada, Brazil, New Caledonia or Denmark.

The discussions will be continued with a Round Table in order to identify, first, the contributions and limits of the intersectoral approach; second, the gaps between discourses and practices. He invites policy maker, community leader, academics, health practioners, people engaged in research, teaching, health policy development, and other health promotion domains, to join us in Marseille, November 20th.

Share your experience and discover other contributions and help us move together for and agenda to tackle Health Inequalities.

Link to the Video

About Luis A. Saboga-Nunes:

Posted by Didier in News