Jour : 23 juin 2018

Séminaire “A revitalized commitment to health promotion and prevention in Swedish health care”

Séminaire “A revitalized commitment to health promotion and prevention in Swedish health care”

Didier Jourdan est intervenu au colloque organisé à Stockholm sur le renouvellement des politiques de promotion de la santé dans le cadre de l’initiative “State of Health in the EU” de la commission européenne. Sa présentation était centrée sur les politiques de réduction des inégalités de santé.

Le descriptif du colloque (en anglais)

Many countries in Europe are trying to improve the performance and sustainability of their health systems by expanding and better integrating their health promotion and disease prevention activities. These strategies include the development of new services, new health care professionals, new skills and new coordination mechanisms. They also include reaching out to other sectors and communities to tackle the social determinants of health.

The State of Health in the EU is a two-year initiative undertaken by the European Commission that provides policy-makers, interest groups, and health practitioners with factual, comparative data and insights into health and health systems in EU countries. The Country Health Profiles are the joint work of the OECD and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, in cooperation with the European Commission and are designed to support the efforts of Member States in their evidence-based policy-making.

Propelled by the findings in the Country Profiles Voluntary Exchanges aim to help Member States identify policy responses to specific issues that are strategically important to their health systems and if appropriate to share experiences with other countries.  The topic, format and participants are decided together with the Member States that express an interest.

Health promotion and disease prevention can make a significant contribution towards a more effective and efficient health service and one which could better address the needs of society. This is important as it leads to better health outcomes for patients. Integrating health promotion and disease prevention activities optimizes the effects of medical interventions, and leads to fewer complications, shorter lengths of stay in hospital, better restitution and to better somatic outcomes and better quality of life for patients. Furthermore, health care organizations have an important role in strengthening public health activities, as they have the knowledge, networks and authority. This concept, that health promotion and disease prevention should be integrated in all health services, was already formulated in the 1980s when WHO launched an international network of Health Promoting Hospitals. This has since developed into a network for Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Service.

The health of Swedes is good, but there are some developing and important health challenges. Life expectancy in Sweden is among the highest in the EU, both for men and women. Risk factors such as smoking and obesity in general are on the decline. This, however, is not the case for all population groups and for all risk factors. It is a persistent challenge that, in a welfare state like Sweden, health inequities not only remain, but are widening. For example depending on the level of education, or on income level, life expectancy can differ by up to almost 5 years. An increase in alcohol consumption and the rising percentage of binge-drinking in adults is also worrying. There is also a concern about growing obesity rates amongst adolescents and at the same time declining rates of physical activity and stubborn inequities persist in most risk factors. These examples are a clear indication that alongside the positive trends there are important challenges that need to be faced.

In this situation it is worthwhile reviewing policies and interventions that work. There is now a very strong (economic) case for promoting health and preventing disease. There is also an economic case for investing in health, raising the efficiency of public health and health systems. There is strong evidence for many policy areas and populations which is relevant to Sweden. This includes interventions tackling alcohol-related harm, promoting physical activity, improving the quality of nutrition, and acting during early childhood development and education to promote health. There is also an urging need to, more actively, address inequalities.

The 2030 Agenda on sustainable development is a good starting point for such a review as it is very comprehensive. It includes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 17 global goals set by the United Nations. The broad goals are interrelated, though each has its own targets to achieve. Many countries are attempting to tailor those goals to their own specific needs and circumstances, using them as a driving force to design different health services, discussing effective interventions and improving governance across sectors and between levels.

Sustainable development in general contributes to respecting human needs, and the building of a sustainable society is to meet these needs – health promotion processes are central to this.

An increased awareness of the importance of health promotion processes for a sustainable society makes it reasonable to expect increased interest in identifying, strengthening and developing these processes further. It creates a virtuous circle in the drive for a sustainable society. Health promotion processes as well as increased focus on prevention as the driving force for sustainable development creates an inclusive approach for future leadership to rally around common objectives. In such a context, health care is a core sustainability actor and factor. The SDGs can, through health promotion, develop into a real commitment.

In the context of the European Commission’s the State of Health in the EU cycle, Sweden is hosting a voluntary exchange in form of a seminar on revitalizing the commitment to health promotion and prevention in the Swedish health system.

Le programme du séminaire

La présentation de Didier Jourdan

Publié par Didier dans Actualités
Colloque international  “Quel(s) dispositif(s) de promotion de la santé des enfants et jeunes en Tunisie pour 2030 : un état des lieux, des défis à relever et un projet pour une meilleure santé”

Colloque international “Quel(s) dispositif(s) de promotion de la santé des enfants et jeunes en Tunisie pour 2030 : un état des lieux, des défis à relever et un projet pour une meilleure santé”

Les 4 et 5 avril 2018 a été organisé à Tunis un colloque international “Quel(s) dispositif(s) de promotion de la santé des enfants et jeunes en Tunisie pour 2030 : un état des lieux, des défis à relever et un projet pour une meilleure santé”. Placé sous les hauts patronages de Monsieur Hatem Ben Salem, Ministre de l’Education Nationale et Directeur de la commission nationale de l’UNESCO et de Monsieur Imed Hammami, Ministre de la santé, il s‘inscrit dans le cadre des activités scientifiques de la Chaire UNESCO EducationS & Santé.

L’organisation du colloque a été dirigée par Madame le Docteur Sameh Hrairi, représentante de la chaire pour la Tunisie. Il a été co-organisé par l’Unité de recherche “ECOTIDI” de l’Institut Supérieur de l’éducation et de la formation et l’équipe de recherche pluridisciplinaire du laboratoire “‘Handicap et Inadaptation Sociale” de l’université de la Manouba, en partenariat avec la Direction de la Médecine Scolaire et Universitaire de Tunisie, l’OMS, l’UNESCO et les laboratoires Expérice de l’Université de Paris 8 Vincennes et AcTé de Clermont Ferrand. Il a été conçu comme une occasion de mise en discussion des dispositifs politiques de santé publique, de recherches et d’interventions préventive et éducative en promotion de la santé en Tunisie. Il a mis en débat les derniers résultats des recherches en santé publique, les politiques publiques de santé publique en Tunisie et les derniers résultats de la recherche sur les pratiques de la prévention, d’éducation à la santé et de la promotion de la santé en direction des enfants et des jeunes. Il s’est adressé aux chercheurs en santé publique et en sciences humaines et sociales, aux médecins, aux personnels paramédicaux, aux enseignants, aux acteurs des milieux associatifs inscrits dans des programmes d’éducation à la santé. Il a travaillé les questions émergentes sur les épistémologies de la recherche en promotion de la santé, parfois polémiques, souvent encore peu documentées et qui nécessitent, par des regards croisés, des états des lieux au niveau des différentes formes de recherches et des analyses des pratiques politiques, sociales, préventives et éducatives pour la promotion de la santé des enfants et des jeunes tunisiens.

Les travaux du colloque se sont articulés autour des six axes thématiques suivants :

  1. Etat des lieux sur les problèmes de santé publique des enfants et des jeunes
  2. Les politiques publiques de santé publique en faveur des enfants et des jeunes
  3. Les dispositifs d’éducation à la santé en Tunisie
  4. Le travail en réseau des décideurs, acteurs pluriels, praticiens et chercheurs : expériences et défis
  5. Problématiques de la formation continue et professionnelle en éducation à la santé
  6. Concepts et méthodes de recherches sur les éducations à la santé

Le colloque en quelques chiffres :

  1. 6 conférences
  2. 9 ateliers
  3. 36 communications orales
  4. 3 communications affichées
  5. 4 nationalités : Tunisienne – Française – Algérienne – Marocaine
  6. 120 participants

Lien vers la page du ministère de la santé

L’ouverture du colloque

L’intervention de Monsieur le Ministre de la santé

Publié par Didier dans Actualités