Lifelong learning for health webinar 3/3 – Sustainable policy implementation and visibility – 16 November 2022

The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and the UNESCO Chair Global Health and Education (GHE) will co-host this webinar as part of a series aimed at developing a roadmap for the enactment of the Yeonsu Declaration for Learning Cities, adopted at the fifth International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC 5) in October 2021. The webinar will take place on 16 November 2022, from 13.00 – 14.30 CEST.

The third and final of a three-part webinar series entitled ‘Lifelong learning for health: Enacting the Yeonsu Declaration for Learning Cities’, it will focus on sustainable policy implementation strategies that involve all stakeholders within and beyond the education and health sectors. The importance of the local community’s participation – and the participation of vulnerable groups in particular – in policy development will also be addressed. There will also be a discussion on mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation and the enhancement of lifelong learning for health (LLLH) policy visibility. 

More specifically, the following thematic focuses will be on the agenda: 

  • Thematic Focus 1: Involving stakeholders within and outside of the health sector and coordinating their efforts during LLLH policy implementation;  
  • Thematic Focus 2: Ensuring the local community’s participation in LLLH policy implementation, with a focus on vulnerable groups; 
  • Thematic Focus 3: Strengthening the monitoring and evaluation of LLLH and enhancing policy visibility. 

The webinar will be held in English, French, and Spanish.

For more information and registration.

About the webinar series 

This three-part webinar series will result in a final co-created roadmap for the enactment of the Yeonsu Declaration for Learning CitiesUNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) members will work towards the development of LLLH policies, inventories of initiatives and step-by-step action plans to build a health learning pathway for all. For cities and partners beyond the UNESCO GNLC, the webinars are an opportunity to join a rich exchange on LLLH policy development and initiatives and explore the diverse learning city development processes of UNESCO GNLC members. This could serve as a starting point for further involvement and, in some cases, future membership in the network.